class: center, middle # EE-361 # DC Machine Types ## Ozan Keysan []( Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- # Review: -- Induced Voltage in Armature -- ## \\(E\_a = K\_a \omega\_m \Phi\_{pp}\\) -- - ### \\(E\_a\\): Induced armature voltage (DC-average) - ### \\(K\_a\\): Armature Constant - ### \\(\omega\_m\\): Mechanical Speed (rad/s) - ### \\(\Phi\_{pp}\\): Flux per-pole (DC-average) --- # Equivalent Circuit of a DC Motor
-- ## If \\(V\_a > E\_a\\) motoring action -- ## If \\(E\_a > V\_a\\) generating action --- # Torque Relation
## \\(P\_{mech} = T \omega = E\_a I\_a \\) -- ## \\( T \omega = K\_a \omega \Phi\_{pp} I\_a \\) -- ## \\(T =K\_a \Phi\_{pp} I\_a \\) --- # DC-Machine Equations - ## Induced Voltage Proportional to Speed ## \\(E\_a = K\_a \omega\_m \Phi\_{pp}\\) -- - ## Torque Proportional to Armature Current ## \\(T =K\_a \Phi\_{pp} I\_a \\) --- #Power Flow in a DC Motor
-- ## What about a generator? --- # Efficiency ## \\(\eta = \dfrac{P\_{out}}{P\_{in}}\\) -- ## Efficiency of a DC Motor ### \\(\eta = \dfrac{P\_{mech}}{P\_{elec}}\\) -- \\(=\dfrac{T\_m \omega\_m}{V\_t I\_a}=\dfrac{T\_m \omega\_m}{T\_m \omega\_m + Losses} \\) --- # Efficiency ## \\(\eta = \dfrac{P\_{out}}{P\_{in}}\\) ## Efficiency of a DC Generator ### \\(\eta = \dfrac{P\_{elec}}{P\_{mech}}\\) -- \\(=\dfrac{V\_t I\_a}{T\_m \omega\_m}=\dfrac{V\_t I\_a}{V\_t I\_a + Losses} \\) --- # DC Machine Types -- ## Everthing is same just different ways of connecting the field winding! --
### As a result \\(\Phi\_{pole} \\) is not constant but a function of field current. ---
## - Series Excited ## - Shunt Excited ## - Compound Machines ## - Separately Excited --- # Separately Excited DC Machines
### Field is excited with a separate source ### Flexible Control (Field Current controls \\(\phi\_{pp}\\)) --- # Magnetization Characteristics ## What is the relation between \\(I_f\\) and \\(E_a\\)? --  --- #Magnetization Characteristics ### In the Linear Region ## \\(\phi = K_f I_f\\) -- ### Induced Voltage ## \\(E_a = K_a \omega_m \phi = K_a \omega_m K_f I_f\\) -- ### Torque ## \\(T = K_a K_f I_a I_f\\) --- ## We have a motor running at constant speed under constant load. -- ## What happens if we suddenly increase the load? --- #Speed Regulation -- ## Speed Regulation \\(=\dfrac{\omega\_0 - \omega\_{rated}}{\omega\_{rated}}\\) - ### \\(\omega_0\\) : Rotational Speed at no-load - ### \\(\omega\_{rated}\\) : Rotational Speed at full load ####(Note the similarity with the voltage regulation in transformers) --- # Now let's operate as a generator ## Constant mechanical power, constant speed. -- ## What happens if we increase the electrical load (armature current)? --- # Separately Excited DC Generator ## Vt-Ia Characteristics
--- # Voltage Regulation ## Terminal voltage difference from no-load to full-load #\\(=\dfrac{V\_{t(no-load)} - V\_{t(full-load)} }{V\_{t(full-load)}}\\) --- #Armature Reaction ### What happens to the airgap magnetic field if a current applied? ## Increases at the upper portion, decreases at the lower portion ## Flux density distribution is distorted. --- ## Armature Reaction ## Becomes significant with increasing \\(I_a\\)
#Armature Reaction ## Becomes significant with increasing \\(I_a\\)
#Armature Reaction ### Armature reaction can be neglected at small \\(I_a\\) ### \\(\phi\_f = \dfrac{MMF}{\mathrm{R}\_{eq}}= \dfrac{N\_fI\_f}{\mathrm{R}\_{eq}}\\) ### With armature reaction ### \\(\phi\_f = \dfrac{N\_fI\_f - N\_a I\_a}{\mathrm{R}\_{eq}}\\) ### Thus, \\(E_a\\) reduced due to increasing \\(I_a\\) ### - Vt-Ia Characteristics? --- # Shunt Wound DC Machine --
-- ## Field winding is connected in parallel to the Armature -- ## \\(V_f=V_t\\) -- ==> \\(I_f = V_t/R_f\\) --- # Shunt Motor
## Shunt motor has good speed regulation ###(5-15% difference from no load to full load) --- # Shunt DC Generator ## Can we start generating voltage without any external source(i.e. self-excitation)? --
--- # Shunt DC Generator ## Self-Excitation only occurs if Rf is low enough
--- #Shunt DC Generator ## \\(V_t\\)-\\(I_L\\) Characteristics --
--- # Series Wound DC Machine
## Field winding in series with armature ## Field current = Armature Current ==> \\(I_f = I_a\\) --- # Series Wound DC Machine
## What happens if AC is applied to series DC motor? --- # Universal Motor ## Series DC motors work both with DC and AC
## [Universal Motor]( [More Information]( --- # What is the origin of AC/DC band's name? ## [Highway to Hell](
--- # Series Wound DC Motor
### \\(V\_t = E_a + (R\_a + R\_f) I_a\\) -- ### \\(E_a = K_a \omega_m \phi \\) ==> \\(\phi = K_s I_a\\) -- ### \\(T_e = K_a \phi I_a = K_a K_s I_a^2\\) --- # Series DC Motor
## Never run a series DC motor at no load! --- # Series DC Motor
## Torque increases with the square of the armature current --- # Series DC Motor
### High starting torque ### Applications: Traction motors,cranes, ### At no load speed increases dangerously --- # Series DC Generator
### Not suitable to be used as a generator as the voltage regulation is very bad. --- # Compound DC Machines ## Shunt and Series windings combined together --
### Series winding can be additive(more common) or subtractive --- # Compound DC Generators
### Commonly adjusted to be flat compounded, thus to achieve zero voltage regulation. --- # Example: -- ## A 10 kW DC Shunt motor connected to 200 V supply and driving a load with the following characteristics. -- ## \\(P_l = k n^2 = 3.9\;10^{-3} n^2\\) (n: speed in rpm) -- ## Friction losses of the motor are constant and equal to 250 W. -- ## Field winding is \\(40\; \Omega\\), --- ## a) Calculate the motor speed if the motor is supplying rated power from its shaft at steady state. --- ## b) Determine the armature current and armature resistance of the motor at rated load. ## Induced voltage vs. field current characteristics obtained at 1500 rpm are as follows: ##
--- ## c) Calculate the total current drawn from the terminals and motor efficiency --- # Summary ### All DC machines have same equations; -- but different field winding connections give different characteristics. -- ## DC Machine Types ### - Separately Excited ### - Shunt Excited ### - Series Excited ### - Compound Machines --- ## You can download this presentation from: [](