class: center, middle # EE-361 ELECTROMECHANICAL ENERGY CONVERSION ## Ozan Keysan []( Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- # Electric Circuits vs. Magnetic Circuits ## Electric Materials -- ## Conductors: -- Copper, Aluminium, Iron... -- ## Insulators: Plastic, Air... --- # Electric Circuits vs. Magnetic Circuits ## What is the best conductor? -- - ## **Copper:** \\(1.68 \; 10^{-8} \; \Omega.m \\) -- - ## **Aluminium:** \\(2.82\; 10^{-8} \; \Omega.m \\) -- - ## **Silver:** \\(1.59 \; 10^{-8} \; \Omega.m \\) -- - ## **Gold:** \\(2.44 \; 10^{-8} \; \Omega.m \\) --- ### Why some connectors are gold plated? --
### Gold Plated High Speed HDMI cable [>30.000 TL]( SCAM! AudioQuest's sophisticated Noise-Dissipation System combines RF noise-absorbing carbon and directionality-controlled silver-plated conductors to minimize the distortion caused by RF interference, ensuring a fully immersive entertainment experience. --- # Electric vs. Magnetic Materials -- ## Conductors --> -- Ferromagnets -- (e.g. Iron, Cobalt) ## Large permeability ( `\(\mu_r >> 1\)`)
--- # Electric vs. Magnetic Materials ## Insulator --> Non-magnetic -- ### (e.g. Plastic, Copper, Aluminium ) --- # How do you mine Iron ore? -- ## Use a magnetic separator
-- ## [How do you recycle a car?]( --- # Non-magnetic Materials -- ## Paramagnetic ### ( `\(\mu_r \gtrsim 1\)`) (very slightly attracted) ### E.g.:Aluminium -- ## Diamagnetic ### ( `\(\mu_r \lesssim 1\)`) (very slightly repulsed) ### E.g.: Copper, Water, [Frogs](, [Diamagnetism of Water]( --- # Electric Circuits ## Analogy to Hydraulic System ### - Voltage --> Pressure ### - Electric Current --> Water Current ### - Hydraulic Resistance --> Resistance --- # Magnetic Circuits ## Magnetic circuits are analogous to electric circuits:
--- # Conducting Materials: -- # Electric Circuits: -- ## - Copper ## - Aluminium -- # Magnetic Circuits: -- ## - Iron ## - Electrical Steel --- # Insulating Materials: -- ## Electric Circuits: -- ## - Air, Plastics -- ## Magnetic Circuits: -- ## - Air, Copper, Aluminium --- # Magnetic vs Electric Circuit -- ## Conductivity of Copper vs Air? -- ### Copper is \\(10^{22}\\) times more conductive than air. -- ### Copper is \\(10^{7}\\) times more conductive than sea water. --- # Magnetic vs Electric Circuit -- ## How about Magnetic Circuits? -- ## Iron is JUST 3000 times more "permeable" than air ## Therefore, air is a circuit element in magnetic circuits! --- # Magnetic Circuits ## Flux (Wb) -- ## Flux Density (Wb/m\\(^2\\) or T) -- ## Magneto-motive Force (MMF), (A.turns) --- # Magnetic Circuits and Maxwell Equations: #### $$\textrm{Gauss' Law}\quad \nabla \cdot \vec{E} = \frac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0} $$ #### $$\textrm{Gauss' Law ($\vec{B}$ Fields)} \quad \nabla \cdot \vec{B} = 0 $$ #### $$\textrm{Faraday's Law} \quad \nabla \times\quad \vec{E} = - \frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t}$$ #### $$\textrm{Ampere's Law} \quad \nabla \times \vec{B} = \mu_0 \vec{J} + \mu_0\varepsilon_0\frac{\partial \vec{E}}{\partial t}$$ ####For curious students: #### - [Maxwell Equations]( #### - [Who's afraid of Maxwell equations?]( #### - [An Intuitive Guide to Maxwell’s Equations]( --- # Ampere's Law ### \\(\oint_C {\vec{H}.d\vec{\ell}}\\)= -- ### \\( \iint_{closed S} \vec{J}dA = \sum I_n \\) #### Magnetic field intensity(H) is independent of the material properties!  --- # Maxwell Equations: ### $$\textrm{Gauss' Law ($\vec{E}$ Fields) }\quad \nabla \cdot \vec{E} = \frac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0} $$ -- ### $$\textrm{Gauss' Law ($\vec{B}$ Fields)} \quad \nabla \cdot \vec{B} = 0 $$ -- ## Need a reminder for vector calculus? ## [Curl](, [Divergence](, [Cross Product]( --- # Gauss Law (for Magnetism) ## $$\nabla \cdot {B} =0$$ ## $$\oint_S {B dA} = 0$$ ## Practical Meaning: ### - There are no magnetic flux sources. ### - No magnets with single pole! --- # Ohm's Law (for Magnetic Circuit) ## Electric Circuits: \\(\quad \quad V=IR\\) -- ## Magnetic Circuits: \\( \quad \quad \mathcal{F} = \Phi \mathcal{R} \\) -- ## Electrical Resistance: \\(\quad R = \frac{\rho l}{A} = \frac{l}{\sigma A}\\) -- ## Magnetic Reluctance: \\(\quad \quad \mathcal{R} = \frac{l}{\mu A}\\) --- # Current Density vs. Magnetic Flux Density ## Current Density = Conductivity x Electric Field ## $$\vec{J}=\sigma \vec{E}$$ -- ## Flux Density = Permeability x Magnetic Field ## $$\vec{B} = \mu \vec{H}$$ --- #Permeability ## Permeability of free space: ## $$\mu_0 = 4 \pi 10^{-7} \quad H/m$$ -- ## Common to define permeability relative to vacuum: ## $$\mu = \mu_o . \mu_r$$ --- # Exercise ### Calculate the reluctance of the iron core in terms of \\(\mu_0\\), assuming \\(\mu_r=4000\\), \\(l=500 mm\\), \\(A_c=2500mm^2\\).
### Don't forget to convert to SI units (e.g. mm to m). --- # Exercise ### Now, calculate the reluctance again with the air-gap added as below. Relative permeability of air is 1, and assume the air-gap is 3 mm.
--- #Draw Equivalent Circuits: --
--- ## [Solutions](./files/ee361-reluctance-solved.pdf) --- ## You can download this presentation from: [](