class: center, middle # EE-361 # TRANSFORMER TESTS ## Open-Circuit, Short-Circuit Tests ## Ozan Keysan []( Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- ## How to Test a Closed System? --
-- ### [Impact Test Siemens](, [Modal Analysis]( --- # How to Test a Linear Circuit? -- ## Open-Short Circuit Test for Thevenin-Norton Circuits --
--- # Procedure for Transformers -- - # Open Circuit (No-Load) Test -- - # Short Circuit Test --- # Open Circuit Test ## Secondary Side Open-Circuited (No Load)
--- # Open Circuit Equivalent Circuit  --- # Simplified (Approximate) Equivalent Circuit ## Open Circuit Test ### Almost no current on the series branch
--- # Simplified (Approximate) Equivalent Circuit ## Open Circuit Test ### Almost no current on the series branch ### Power dissipates on Rc, total current is determined by equivalent impedance (Rc // Xm)
--- # Short Circuit Test
### In short-circuit test, secondary side is shorted (but be careful) --- # Short Circuit Test
### In short-circuit test applied voltage is much smaller than the rated voltage. ### \\(V\_1 \ll V\_{rated} \\) [What happens if you apply rated voltage at short-circuit?]( [Trafo Kısa Devre](, [Not a transformer but a phase-phase short circuit]( --- # Short Circuit Equivalent Circuit ### Neglect Parallel Branch! #### Current in the parallel branch is negligible due to small input voltage.
--- # Short Circuit Equivalent Circuit ### Neglect Parallel Branch! #### Power dissipates in series resistance (\\(R\_{eq}\\)), current is determined by equivalent impedance (\\(R\_{eq} + j X\_{eq}\\))
-- #### Series impedances can be calculated --- # Example --- # Example ## A 1000 VA, 230/115 V transformer has been tested from its primary winding: ## Find the equivalent circuit parameters. -- ## No-load Test: ### $$V_o = 230 V \quad I_o = 0.45 A \quad P_o = 30 W $$ --- #Example ## 1000 VA, 230/115 V transformer has been tested from its primary winding: ## Find the equivalent circuit parameters. ## Short Circuit Test: ### $$V_s = 13.2 V \quad I_s = 6 A \quad P_s = 20.1 W $$ --- #Example ## Answers: -- ### $$R_c = 1763 \Omega $$ ### $$jX_m = j 534 \Omega $$ ### $$R\_{eq} = R\_{1} + R\_{2}^{'} = 0.558 \Omega $$ ### $$jX\_{eq} = jX\_{1} + jX\_{2}^{'} = j2.13 \Omega $$ --- # Electrical Safety ## You're just a resistor! ### Some incidents (warning: may be disturbing) ### [20kA Arc](, [Arc Flash](, [Overhead line electructed workers]( --- # Electrical Safety - ## Cut-off electricity - ## Protect Yourself - ## First Aid (Seconds count) - ##Call for help ### [Safety video](, [Safety video2](, [Safety video3]( --- ## You can download this presentation from: [](