class: center, middle # EE-361 # VOLTAGE REGULATION & EFFICIENCY ## Ozan Keysan []( Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- # Voltage Regulation -- ### A transformer's ability to keep its output voltage constant. -- # Ideal transformer: ## \\(V\_{out}\\) at No Load = \\(V\_{out}\\) at Full Load -- # Practical transformer: ### \\(V\_{out}\\) under load is generally smaller than \\(V\_{out}\\) at No Load --- # Voltage Regulation ## $$\frac{V\_{2(No\;Load)}-V\_{2(Full\;Load)}}{V\_{2(Full\;Load)}}$$ -- ## Smaller regulation is better. ## Regulation of an ideal transformer = 0 --- # Voltage Regulation with Phasors
### Neglect the parallel branch (for now) --- # Voltage Regulation
### Regulation can be calculated at any load. --- # Voltage Regulation - ## Inductive: \\(V_{reg}>0\\) -- - ## Resistive: \\(V_{reg}>0 \\) -- - ## Capacitive: \\(V_{reg} = ?\\) --- # Voltage Regulation  --- # Voltage Regulation ### [Burdur GES]( -- ## [Effects to Electric Grid](, [Duck Curve](
--- # Example: ## For the same transformer(1000 VA) used in the previous problem, calculate the voltage regulation at: ## a) 0.8 pf lagging rated current ## b) 1.0 pf rated current ## c) 0.8 pf leading rated current ### if the output voltage of the transformer is adjusted to be 115 V, under the given load condition. ### You can ignore the parallel branch. --- # Transformer Efficiency # $$\mathrm{Efficiency (\eta) = \frac{Pout}{Pin}}$$ -- ## $$\mathrm{Efficiency (\eta) = \frac{Pout}{Pout+\mathrm{Losses}}}$$ --- # Transformer Efficiency # $$\mathrm{Efficiency (\eta) = \frac{Pout}{Pin}}$$ ## $$\mathrm{Efficiency (\eta) = \frac{Pin - Losses}{Pin}}$$ --- # Transformer Efficiency - ## Constant Losses: Core Losses (Eddy, Hysteresis) ### $$\frac{V_1^2}{Rcore}$$ -- - ## Variable Losses: Copper Losses ### $$I_1^2 (R_1 + R_2')$$ --- # Best Power Transformer - ## Efficiency as high as possible - ## Voltage Regulation close to zero - ## Minimum Cost --- # Golden Rule of Engineering Projects
## You can only pick TWO from these three! --- # Temperature Effect
### How does the resistance change with temperature? --- # Temperature Effect ## Temperature Coefficient ## $$R(T) = R(T_0)(1 + \alpha\Delta T)$$ -- ## For copper α = 0.393 % per degree C ## Resistivity of copper increases by 30 % from 20 C to 100 C. --- # Losses and Cooling
--- # Losses and Cooling: Small Transformers
--- # Losses and Cooling: Large Transformers
--- # Losses and Cooling: Large Transformers
--- # Losses and Cooling: Large Transformers
### [Who’ll Freeze First? A Puzzle About Size and Staying Warm]( ---
### [Who’ll Freeze First? A Puzzle About Size and Staying Warm]( ---
### [Who’ll Freeze First? A Puzzle About Size and Staying Warm]( ---
### [Who’ll Freeze First? A Puzzle About Size and Staying Warm]( ###[Size and Metobolism]( --- ## (Heat \\(\propto\\) Mass, Heat Dissipation \\(\propto\\) Surface Area)
### [Square-Cube Law by Prof. Walter Lewin]( ### [Square-cube law, small is mighty]( ### [Small is mighty]( --- # Example: ## For the same transformer(1000 VA) used in the previous problems, calculate the efficiency at rated current and 0.8 pf lagging (assuming output voltage is 115 V). --- #Question: ## What is the point that the transformer has maximum efficiency? -- - ## Full Load / Half Load / No Load ? - ## Unity pf, lagging pf, leading pf? --- # Transformer Efficiency ## A transformer has highest efficiency while delivering unity pf
--- ## A transformer has maximum efficiency when: -- ## Copper Losses = Core Losses
--- ## You can download this presentation from: [](