class: center, middle # EE-463 STATIC POWER CONVERSION-I # Basic Concepts ## Ozan Keysan ## []( ### Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- ## Let's start with a simple DC-DC Converter --
## Can you design this converter? --- ## Resistive Voltage Divider
--- # Series Regulator (Transistor in linear mode)
### Efficiency= 50% ! --- # Use an Ideal (Two Position) Switch
--- ## With L-C (Low-Pass) Filter
## Notice high efficiency --- ## A more realistic example (Buck converter)
--- # Generating AC: Single-Phase Inverter
--- # Common Points -- ## Avoid lossy elements!
--- # Ideal Switch
-- # Which factors make a switch ideal? --- # Ideal Switch -- - ## No voltage drop in the on-state -- - ## Zero switching time -- - ## No leakage current in the off-state -- - ## Infinite breakdown voltage and current capacity --- # What happens if you turn off a inductive load? -- # or # What happens if turn-on with a capacitive load? --- # Practical Switch -- - ## Conduction losses (voltage drop, leakage current) -- - ## Finite switching time -- - ## Switching losses -- - ## Limited current and voltage capacity -- - ## Limited dv/dt and di/dt rating --- # General Rules in Power Electronics -- ## Do not short circuit voltage sources (Unless V=0) -- ## Do not open (turn-off) current sources (Unless I=0) -- ## Inductors behave like current sources -- ## Capacitors behave like voltage sources --- # Inductors in Steady-State Operation -- ## a.k.a. Inductor Volts-Seconds Balance ### Average value of inductor voltage is zero in steady-state ### (Positive and negative areas of inductor voltage cancel each other)
--- # Capacitors in Steady-State Operation ## a.k.a. Capacitor Charge (or Ampere-seconds) Balance -- ### (Positive and negative areas of capacitor current cancel each other) --- # Performance Parameters for Waveforms -- ## i.e. How do you decide an output is better than another? --- ## For example, can you tell which one of the DC supply voltage is better? - ### [5 + 0.5sin(x)](*sin%28x%29%29&oq=plot+%285+%2B+0.5*sin%28x%29%29&gs_l=psy-ab.3...8005.8005.0.8351.
--- ### or - ### [5+0.25*sin(x)+0.25*sin(10*x)](*sin%28x%29%2B+0.25*sin%2810x%29%29&oq=plot+%285+%2B+0.25*sin%28x%29%2B+0.25*sin%2810x%29%29&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoHCAAQRxCwA1CbsRFY-8ERYPLPEWgBcAB4AIABiQOIAewLkgEFMi0zLjKYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEIwAEB&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjG087msrfsAhVl-SoKHRvoCpAQ4dUDCAw&uact=5)
--- ## Or can you tell which "more sinusoidal"? -- - ### [sin(x) + 0.3sin(3x)]( --
--- ### or - ### [sin(x) - 0.3sin(3x)]( --
--- # RMS -- (Root Mean Square) -- ## \\(I_{RMS}= \sqrt{\dfrac{1}{T}\int_0^T i^2(t) dt}\\) -- ## What is the physical meaning? -- ## Average power dissipated if connected to \\(1 \: \Omega\\) resistor --- # RMS (Root Mean Square) ## What is the RMS of a signal with harmonics? ## \\(I= I_1 + I_2 + I_3 ...\\) -- ## \\(I\_{RMS}= \sqrt{I\_{1\_{RMS}}^2+I\_{2\_{RMS}}^2+I\_{3\_{RMS}}^2...}\\) --- # Distortion Factor -- ## Ratio of Fundamental RMS to Total RMS -- ## \\(DF=\dfrac{I\_{1\_{RMS}}}{I\_{s\_{RMS}}}\\) ## Quick Question: What is the DF for a square wave? --- # Displacement Power Factor -- ## Power factor for the fundamental component ## i.e. DPF=\\(cos(\phi)\\) , where \\(\phi\\) is the phase difference between the FUNDAMENTAL components of V and I.
--- # (True) Power Factor -- ## Ratio of Real Power (P) to Apparent Power (S) # \\(PF = \dfrac{P}{S}\\) ## True Power Factor includes all harmonics, whereas DPF includes only the fundamental component. --- # (True) Power Factor # For perfect sine wave -- # DF = 1 and DPF = PF -- # For distorted waves -- # DF<1 and PF
## displacement power factor (DPF) = 1 ## but true power factor is < 1 --- # THD -- (Total Harmonic Distortion) -- ## Ratio of the RMS of the harmonics (excluding the fundamental) to RMS of the fundamental component -- ## \\( THD= \dfrac{\sqrt{\sum\limits_{h=2}^{\infty}I_h^2}}{I_1}\\) -- ## i.e. ratio of power in harmonics to power in the fundamental component --- # THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) ## Very important for power quality, and limited by many standards. -- ### [Used to be less than 5% for LV]( -- ### In 2014, it was [increased to 8%]( Why? --- # THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) ### \\( THD= \dfrac{\sqrt{\sum\limits_{h=2}^{\infty}I_h^2}}{I_1}\\) -- \\( = \dfrac{\sqrt{I_s^2-I_1^2}}{I_1}\\) -- ### Distortion factor can be expressed in terms of THD ## \\(DF=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{1+THD^2}}\\) --- ## Quick Question: Derive the THD of a square waveform
--- ## You can download this presentation from: [](