class: center, middle # EE-281 ELECTRIC CIRCUITS ## Ozan Keysan []( Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- # Steps for Nodal Analysis ## 1-Choose a reference node (ground). ## 2-Label node voltages. ## 3-Write KCL equations for each node. ## 4-Solve the equations. --- # Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources  ## How many nodes? ## How many node equations? --- # Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources ## Let's solve for Va and Vb  --- # Alternative Approach: Supernodes  ##Remember: KCL is valid for any closed surface! --- # Example-1: ### Find node voltages  --- # Example-1: ### \\(V_1 = -7.33 V \quad V_2=-5.33 V\\)  --- # Example-2: ### Find v and i  --- # Example-2: ### \\(v = -0.4 V \quad i=2.8 A\\)  --- # Example-3: ### Find node voltages  --- # Example-3: ### \\(V_1 = 80/3 V \quad V_3=520/3 V \quad V_4=-140/3 V\\)  --- # Any questions? ## You can download this presentation from: [](