class: center, middle # EE-362 # Review of Electromechanical Energy Conversion ## Ozan Keysan []( Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- #Lorenz Force ## \\(\vec{F} = \vec{J} \times \vec{B}\\)  --- # Lorenz Force Applications - ### [Force Demo]( - ### [Homopolar Motor]( - ### [Wolrd's Simplest Electric Train]( - ### [Electromagnetic Aircraft Launcher]( - ### [Navy Railgun](, [Railgun-2]( - ### [Aselsan Tufan]( - ### [Aselsan Tufan-2]( --- # Determine the direction of rotation
--- #What would happen in the device below?
--- # Link Between Electrical and Mechanical Systems
### Electric Energy Input = Stored Magnetic Energy + Mechanical Work --- # Review: Magnetic Energy  --- # Review: Magnetic Energy ## \\(W\_{stored} = \int_0^\lambda i(\lambda) d\lambda \\) -- ## or from B-H curve ## \\(W\_{stored} = \int \_{volume } (\int_0^B H dB) \\) --- # Magnetic Energy ### In Linear Systems: -- ## Magnetic Energy = Magnetic Co-Energy -- ## Magnetic Energy + Magnetic Co-Energy = \\(\lambda i\\) -- ### Thus (only in linear systems) ## W(magnetic) = \\(\dfrac{1}{2} \lambda i = \dfrac{1}{2} L i^2 =\dfrac{1}{2L} \lambda^2 \\) --- # Force from the Stored Energy
-- ## Derivative of Energy w.r.t. position gives the force! --- # Force from Stored Energy ### Take derivative of magnetic energy -- ### \\(Force = - \dfrac{\partial W\_{mag}(\lambda, x)}{\partial x} |\_{\lambda = constant}\\) ### Some useful reading: - #### [MIT From Lasers to Motors]( --- # Force from Stored Energy ### \\(Force = - \dfrac{\partial W\_{mag}(\lambda, x)}{\partial x} |\_{\lambda = constant}\\) -- ## For Linear Systems ### \\(Force = - \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x} (\dfrac{\lambda^2}{2 L(x)}) =\dfrac{ \lambda^2}{2 L(x)^2} (\dfrac{d L(x)}{dx}) \\) -- ### \\(Force = \dfrac{1}{2} i^2 \dfrac{d L(x)}{dx} \\) --- # Summary ## Magnetic Circuit Tries -- - ## To reduce \\(W\_{magnetic}\\) if \\(\Phi\\) is constant -- - ## To maximize the inductance -- - ## To minimize the reluctance (\\(L=N^2/R\\)) --- # Some Applications -- ## How a speaker works?
## You can think it is just a basic solenoid, but it's more complex than that. ## [How Speakers Work]( #### ([Reading assignment]( --- # Who is this guy?
--- # [Amar Bose]( ### Founder of Bose Corp, MIT Professor, Electrical Engineering
### [How Amar Bose used research to build better speakers]( ### Now MIT owns the [majority shares]( in Bose Corp. --- # Magnetism in Medicine: -- # [Malaria](
--- # Malaria vs Permeability ## Diagnosis using Magnetic Alignment
### [Physicists detect malaria using light and magnets]( ### [Magnets diagnose malaria in minutes]( --- # Malaria Treatment
### [Malaria's Magnetic Properties May Pull Treatments Forward]( --- # Summary ## Magnetic Circuit Tries - ## To reduce \\(W\_{magnetic}\\) if \\(\Phi\\) is constant - ## To maximize the inductance - ## To minimize the reluctance (\\(L=N^2/R\\)) --- ## Mechanical Power & Energy: -- ## Linear Motion: -- \\(P = F v = F \dfrac{dx}{dt}\\) Watt -- ## Rotational: -- \\(P=T \omega = T \dfrac{d\theta}{dt} \\) Watt -- ## Linear Motion: \\(W = \int P dt = F x \\) Joule -- ## Rotational: \\(W= \int P dt = T \theta \\) Joule --- ## Linear Acceleration: -- ## \\(F = m a = m \dfrac{dv}{dt}\\) -- ## Rotational Acceleration: -- ## \\(T=J \dfrac{d\omega}{dt} \\) Watt ## J: Rotational Inertia (\\(kgm^2\\)) --- ## Can you guess the torque expression in this circuit?
--- # Rotational Sytems: -- ## Remember in linear systems: ### \\(f = - \dfrac{\partial W\_{mag}(\Phi, x)}{\partial x} |\_{\Phi = constant}\\) -- ### In rotational systems, just take the derivative wrt \\( \theta \\) not \\( x \\): -- ### \\(T = - \dfrac{\partial W\_{mag}(\Phi, \theta)}{\partial \theta} |\_{\Phi = constant}\\) #### [More information]( --- # Rotational Sytems: ## Take the derivative wrt \\( \theta \\) not \\( x \\): -- ## \\(T = - \dfrac{1}{2}\Phi^2\dfrac{d R(\theta)}{d \theta} |\_{\Phi = constant}\\) ### or alternatively ## \\(T = \dfrac{1}{2}I^2\dfrac{d L(\theta)}{d \theta} |\_{i = constant}\\) --- # How can we achieve a constant rotation? -- ## Reluctance Motors --
--- # Single Phase Reluctance Motor --
### [Magnetic Flux](, [Micro-stepping for higher accuracy]( --- # Reluctance Motors
### [More info]( --- ## Magnetorquer: How small satellites align themselves?
[Magnetorquer]( [CubeSat Magnetorquer]( --- # Who is this guy?
--- # James Dyson
### [Digital Motor](, [Operating Principle](, [Manufacturing]( --- # Dyson uses Reluctance Motors
### [Digital Motor](, [Operating Principle](, [Manufacturing]( --- # Summary ## Magnetic Circuit Tries -- - ### To maximize the inductance, to minimize the reluctance (\\(L=N^2/R\\)) - ### To decrease the magnetic energy (increase co-energy) ## Rotational systems are similar to linear systems, but take the derivative of magnetic energy in terms of \\(\theta\\) instead of \\(x\\). --- ## You can download this presentation from: [](