class: center, middle # EE-362 ELECTROMECHANICAL ENERGY CONVERSION-II # Introduction to Synchronous Machines ## Ozan Keysan []( Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- # Review ## Rotating MMF generated by 3-phase winding
--- # Review ## Rotating MMF generated by 3-phase winding
--- # Fundamental Idea of all AC Machines ## Rotor tries to catch up with the rotating MMF ## (to reach to the minimum magnetic energy point).
--- # Synchronous Machines ### Generates 90% of the world's electricity ### PMSMs (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines) are used by many electric car brands
#### Suggested Video: [Matrix Reloaded]( --- # Synchronous Machines ## Armature: - ### 3-phase cylindrical stator. - ### Generates rotating MMF (ie moves the carrot) -- ## Rotor (Field Windings): - ### Either Salient Pole or Cylindrical Rotor - ### Excited with DC! - ### or can also have permanent magnets for excitation --- # Synchronous Machines: Rotor ## Rotor is excited with DC, becomes an electromagnet ## Needs two slip rings to carry to current to rotor
--- ## Theory of Operation: ### Stator winding create rotating MMF
--- ## Theory of Operation ### Rotor MMF (DC) locks with stator MMF, and rotates at the synchronous speed
### A BLDC motor with concentrated stator windings --- ## Theory of Operation
### A smoother MMF distribution with distributed winding and AC excitation ### [Operation animation]( --- # Stator of AC Machines
--- ## MMF from three phase
### Number of coils can be increased to achieve a smoother MMF waveform. --- # Distributed Winding Manufacturing - ### [Production of electric machines]( (T=6:00) - ### [Rewinding a Large Motor]( (T=0:20) - ### [BMW Electric Motor - Drive]( - ### [Induction Motors: Overhauling a Motor]( ### For curious students: [EE568]( --- # Synchronous Machines: Rotor # Cylindrical Rotor vs Salient Pole Rotor
--- # Cylindrical Rotor vs Salient Pole Rotor
--- ## Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Machines
### Airgap (and hence inductance) is more or less constant ### No reluctance torque (\\(\frac{d L(\theta)}{d\theta}=0 \\)) but there is still synchronous torque (\\(\frac{d M(\theta)}{d\theta}\\)) --- ## Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Machines ### Used in high speed turbo-generators (2 or 4 poles)
### [How a Gas Turbine Works]( --- # Salient Pole Rotor Synchronous Machines
### Airgap is not uniform. ### There are both reluctance and synchronous torque components --- # Salient Pole Rotor Synchronous Machines
## Used in large-pole low-speed generators (such as hydro-electric plants) --- ## Synchronous Machines are usually big machines --
### Direct-Drive Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Turbines (Siemens) --- ## Synchronous Machines are usually big machines
### 2-pole 3000rpm Synchronous Generator (For Steam Turbines) --- ## Very Big --
### Wind Turbine Synchronous Generator (12 rpm) --- # Very Very Big ### [Itaipu Hydro]( Plant, Brazil
### 20 Turbines, 700 MW each, [Shaft of The Generator]( --- ## Very Very Big: [700 MW Synchronous Generator](
### 16 m diameter, 91 rpm, Rotor Mass: 2650 t --- # Even Bigger: [Three Gorges Dam](, China --
#### Total Power Capacity: 22.5 GW (1/3 of Turkey's Consumption) #### Slowed down the rotation of earth by [0.06 microseconds]( [Video1](, [Video2](, [Richard Feynman on Generators and Our Civilization]( --- ## Assume the stator is not excited, only the rotor is excited with DC. ### What is the shape of the induced voltage in the stator windings? --
--- ## i.e. the machine is working as a generator (no-load) --
--- # Induced Voltage Magnitude Proportional to? -- ## Induced voltage \\(\propto\\) Field Current \\(\times\\) Frequency --
### We would like to operate in the linear region, but beware of saturation & residual magnetism) --- ## Mechanical Rotation Frequency vs. Electrical Frequency -- ### The machine on the right induces a voltage twice the frequency of mechanical rotation frequency.
--- # Number of Poles: 2-pole machine
--- # Number of Poles: 4-pole machine
--- # How many poles does this machine has?
-- ## What should be the rotational speed in RPM to induce 50 Hz voltage? --- ## Electrical Speed is not equal to Mechanical Speed! ## \\(\omega\_{elec} = (\dfrac{p}{2}) \omega\_{mech} \\) ## \\(p\\) : Number of poles (always an even number) ## \\(\dfrac{p}{2}\\) : Number of pole pairs # \\(\theta\_{elec} = (\dfrac{p}{2}) \theta\_{mech} \\) --- # Synchronous Machines ## Rotate only at synchronous speed! -- ## Synchronous Speed in RPM (revolutions per minute): # \\(n\_s = \dfrac{60 f\_{elec}}{(p/2)} = \dfrac{120 f\_{elec}}{p}\\) ## They are constant speed machines (under constant stator voltage frequency) --- ## A few videos to watch ### [Renault Zoe Synchronous Motor Manufacturing]( ### [Audi e-tron motor]( ### [Enercon Wind Turbine Generator]( ### [ABB Azipod Ship Propulsion Motor]( ### [Siemens Turbo Generator]( ### [Hydro Generator Manufacturing]( --- # Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Machines --- # Induced Voltage # Cause \\(\rightarrow\\)Effect -- ## \\(I\_{field(DC)}\\) -- \\(\rightarrow MMF\_{field}\\) -- \\(\rightarrow \Phi\_f \rightarrow\\) -- ## \\( e\_a,e\_b, e\_c\\) -- \\(\rightarrow I\_a,I\_b,I\_c\\) -- \\(\rightarrow MMF\_{armature} \\) -- ##\\(\rightarrow \Phi\_{ar} \\) -- ### Resultant MMF: ##\\(\Phi\_{R}= \Phi\_f + \Phi\_{ar}\\) --- # Armature Reaction ### The magnetic field created by the field winding is modified by the stator (armature) winding current. ### [Animation]( --- # No Stator Current (No-load)  --- # Armature Reaction: Lagging Current  --- ## \\(B\_{ar}\\): Armature reaction flux density  --- ## \\(B\_{R}\\): Resultant flux density  --- # Torque in Synchronous Machines -- # \\(T = K \Phi\_f \Phi\_R sin (\delta)\\) -- ### \\(K\\): Constant (we'll see what it is in the following lectures) -- ### \\(\Phi_f\\): Field generated flux (rotor-side) -- ### \\(\Phi\_R\\): Resultant (or Air-gap) flux (\\(\Phi\_R = \Phi\_f + \Phi\_{ar}\\)) -- ## \\(\delta\\): Load-angle (very important!) --- # Torque vs Load Angle ## \\(\delta > 0 \\): Generating Action -- ## \\(\delta < 0 \\): Motoring Action -- ## \\(\delta = \pm \dfrac{\pi}{2} \\): Maximum torque point -- ## \\(\delta = 0 \\): Zero Torque (Donkey eats the carrot) --- # Torque vs Load Angle
--- #Phasor Diagram ## \\(\vec{E\_{ar}}\;\\) lags \\(\;\vec{\Phi\_{ar}}\\) 90 degrees -- ### Armature reaction can be represented as a voltage drop in an inductance -- ## \\(\vec{E\_{ar}} = -j X\_{Q} \vec{I\_a}\\) -- ## \\(\vec{E\_{R}} = \vec{E\_{f}} -j X\_{Q} \vec{I\_a}\\) --- # Simple Equivalent Circuit ### Assumption: Cylindrical rotor (constant air-gap) --
### \\(\vec{E\_{R}} = \vec{E\_{f}} -j X\_{Q} \vec{I\_a}\\) --- # Simple Equivalent Circuit ## However, there is also the leakage flux: \\(\;jX\_{l}\\) -- ## Define stator total reactance as: # \\(jX\_S = jX_Q + jX_l\\) ### Thus, the equivalent circuit becomes: --- # Simple Equivalent Circuit
## \\(\vec{E} = \vec{E\_{f}} -j X\_{s} \vec{I\_a}\\) --- ## What about the resistance of the phase windings? --
## \\(\vec{V\_{ph}} = \vec{E\_{f}} -(j X\_{s}+R\_{a}) \vec{I\_a}\\) --- ## Motoring and Generating Convention ### Remember synchronous machines are mostly used as generators.
--- ## Remember the Equivalent Circuit is per Phase ### Synchronous machines can be Wye or Delta connected
--- ## Remember the Equivalent Circuit is per Phase ### Synchronous machines can be Wye or Delta connected
--- # Most important definitions - ## Load Angle (\\(\delta\\)): Angle between phase voltage and field voltage - ## Power Factor Angle (\\(\theta\\)): Angle between phase voltage and current. --- # Load Angle and Power Factor ## Neglect \\(R\_a\\) just for now. --
--- ## A few exercises with the simple equivalent circuit ## Neglect \\(R\_a\\) for now.
--- ## A few exercises with the simple equivalent circuit --- # Full Equivalent Circuit with Field Circuit
### \\(L\_f\\) can be neglected at steady state (DC) conditions ## Remember \\(I\_f\\) can be controlled to adjust \\(E\_f\\) --- ## That big generator is equivalent to:
#### Enercon Wind Turbine Synchronous Generator (12 rpm) --- # Full Equivalent Circuit with Field Circuit
--- ## You can download this presentation from: [](