class: center, middle # EE-464 STATIC POWER CONVERSION-II # DC/AC Converters (Inverters) ## Ozan Keysan ## []( ### Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- # DC/AC Converters -- # Inverters
--- # Block Diagram ### AC Motor drive with unidirectional power flow --
--- # Block Diagram ### AC Motor drive with bidirectional power flow --
### Back-to-Back Converter, Active Front-End Converter, Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) --- # Single Leg Inverter --
### Building block for almost all inverter types --- # PWM Generation -- ## Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) - ## The most common type - ## There are many different PWM techniques (wait 2 weeks) --- # Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) ### Compare a sinusoidal wave with a carrier triangular wave
--- # Sinusoidal PWM --
--- # Sinusoidal PWM --
### Analog generation of SPWM --- # PWM in one leg inverter
--- # Some Definitions -- ## Frequency Modulation Ratio -- ## \\(m_f = \dfrac{f_s}{f_1}\\) ## \\(f_s\\): Switching frequency ## \\(f_1\\): Fundamental frequency of AC output --- # What is \\(m_f\\) for this case?
--- ## \\(m_f\\) selection -- ## Preferred to have a high value (\\(m_f>21\\)) - ### i.e 2 kHz for 50 Hz: \\(m_f=40\\) -- - ### May not be possible for larger power applications -- - ### Be aware of [audible noise]( (not only fs, but also its harmonics) -- - ### Asynchronous PWM can be used but not preferred --- ## Synchronous PWM ### \\(f_s\\) is an integer multiple of \\(f_1\\)
-- - ### \\(m_f\\) is integer -- - ### If not (asynchronous PWM), subharmonics of \\(f_1\\) is generated --- ## \\(m_f\\) selection -- ## Small Frequency Modulation (\\(m_f<21\\)) - ### Synchronous PWM should be used -- - ### \\(m_f\\) should be an odd integer --- # Some Definitions -- ## Modulation Index -- ## (Amplitude Modulation Ratio) -- ## \\(m\_a=\dfrac{\hat{V}\_{control}}{\hat{V}\_{triangle}}\\) -- ## Linear region: \\(m_a<1\\) -- ## Overmodulation: \\(m_a>1\\) --- # Linear Region -- ### Fundamental voltage magnitude varies linearly with \\(m_a\\) -- ### \\(\hat{V}\_{ao1}= m\_a \dfrac{V\_d}{2}\\) -- ### \\(V\_{ao}= \dfrac{v\_{control}}{\hat{V}\_{triangle}} \dfrac{V\_d}{2}\\) -- ### Other harmonics does NOT change linearly with \\(\hat{V}\_{ao1}\\) --- # PWM Harmonics -- ## FFT in linear region --
## Notice the sidebands --- # [PWM Harmonics](*sin%28x%29%2B0.22*sin%2837*x%29%2B0.818*sin%2839*x%29%2B0.22*sin%2841*x%29%2B0.314*sin%2877*x%29%2B0.314*sin%2879*x%29%2B0.139*sin%2881*x%29%2B0.139*sin%2875*x%29%2B0.013*sin%2883*x%29%2B0.013*sin%2873*x%29%2B0.171*sin%28117*x%29%2B0.176*sin%28119*x%29%2B0.176*sin%28115*x%29%2B0.104*sin%28121*x%29%2B0.104*sin%28113*x%29%2B0.105*sin%28155*x%29%2B0.105*sin%28157*x%29%2B0.115*sin%28153*x%29%2B0.115*sin%28159*x%29%2B0.016*sin%28143*x%29%2B0.016*sin%28131*x%29&oq=plot+0.8*sin%28x%29%2B0.22*sin%2837*x%29%2B0.818*sin%2839*x%29%2B0.22*sin%2841*x%29%2B0.314*sin%2877*x%29%2B0.314*sin%2879*x%29%2B0.139*sin%2881*x%29%2B0.139*sin%2875*x%29%2B0.013*sin%2883*x%29%2B0.013*sin%2873*x%29%2B0.171*sin%28117*x%29%2B0.176*sin%28119*x%29%2B0.176*sin%28115*x%29%2B0.104*sin%28121*x%29%2B0.104*sin%28113*x%29%2B0.105*sin%28155*x%29%2B0.105*sin%28157*x%29%2B0.115*sin%28153*x%29%2B0.115*sin%28159*x%29%2B0.016*sin%28143*x%29%2B0.016*sin%28131*x%29&gs_l=psy-ab.3...48885.70566.0.71020. --
--- # PWM Harmonics ## Advantages of choosing \\(m_f\\) as odd integer: - ### Results in odd symmetry (\\(f(-t)=-f(t)\\)) - ### Results in half-wave symmetry (\\(f(t)=-f(t+T/2)\\)) - ### No even harmonics are present - ### Only sine components exist (no cosine harmonics component) --- ## Over-modulation in SPWM -- ### Control signals gets bigger than the triangle waveform
--- ## Over-modulation in SPWM ### Possible to create higher magnitude, but induce harmonics of \\(f_1\\) --
--- ## Over-modulation in SPWM ## Worst Case?: -- Square Wave
--- ## Over-modulation in SPWM ## Square Wave Harmonics
--- ## Over-modulation in SPWM ## Square Wave Peak Voltage? -- ### \\(\hat{V}\_{ao1}= \dfrac{4}{\pi} \dfrac{V\_d}{2} = 1.273 \dfrac{V\_d}{2}\\) -- ## Fundamental harmonics: ### \\(\hat{V}\_{aoh}= \dfrac{\hat{V}\_{ao1}}{h}\\) --- # Over-modulation Index Variation
--- # Single-Phase Half-Bridge Inverter
### In order to have equal capacitor voltage, io cannot have a DC component --- # Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverter
### Voltage level is twice of the half bridge inverter --- # Bipolar PWM ## Same with the full-bridge DC/DC converter -- ### \\(T\_{A+}\\) and \\(T\_{B-}\\) are turn on and off together -- ### \\(T\_{A-}\\) and \\(T\_{B+}\\) are complimentary of \\(T\_{A+}\\) and \\(T\_{B-}\\) -- ## Can give \\(V\_d\\) or \\(-V\_d\\) --- # Bi-polar Voltage Switching
--- # Bi-polar Voltage Switching
--- # Bi-polar PWM
--- # Bi-polar PWM ### Voltage level is twice of the half bridge inverter -- ## Linear Region ### \\(\hat{V}\_{o1}= m\_a V\_d\\) -- ## Over-modulation ### \\(V\_d < \hat{V}\_{o1} < \dfrac{4}{\pi} V\_d\\) --- # Bi-polar PWM ## Same harmonics
--- # Unipolar PWM ## Same with the full-bridge DC/DC converter ### \\(T\_{A+}\\) and \\(T\_{B+}\\) are controlled seperately ### \\(T\_{A-}\\) and \\(T\_{B-}\\) are complimetary of \\(T\_{A+}\\) and \\(T\_{B+}\\) -- ## Can give \\(V\_d\\), \\(0\\), \\(-V\_d\\) ## \\(V\_o = 0 \\) if \\(T\_{A+}\\) and \\(T\_{B+}\\) are ON ## \\(V\_o = 0 \\) if \\(T\_{A-}\\) and \\(T\_{B-}\\) are ON --- # Uni-polar Voltage Switching
--- # Uni-polar Voltage Switching
--- # Uni-polar PWM Sine Output --
--- # Uni-polar PWM Sine Output --
--- # Uni-polar PWM Harmonics -- ## Harmonics of twice the switching frequency. --
--- ## Harmonics Comparison ### Bipolar PWM
### Unipolar PWM
--- # Inverter Connected to R-L Load --
--- # Inverter Connected to R-L Load
--- # Inverter Connected to R-L Load
--- # Inverter Connected to R-L Load
--- ## Sinusoidal Generation by Voltage Shift -- ### Generate Square wave with controllable off periods
--- ## Sinusoidal Generation by Voltage Shift -- ### Generate Square wave with controllable off periods ### Van and Vbn has overlapping regions
--- ## Sinusoidal Generation by Voltage Shift -- ### Generate Square wave with controllable off periods ### Van and Vbn has overlapping regions
--- ## Sinusoidal Generation by Voltage Shift ### What about harmonics? --
### For curious students: SHE: [Selective Harmonic Elimination]( --- ### Example 8.8 (Hart-Power Electronics) -- ### A full-bridge inverter is used to produce a 60 Hz voltage across a series R-L load using bi-polar PWM. -- ### DC input is 100 V, amplitude modulation is 0.8, frequency modulation is 21. R=10 Ω, L= 20 mH. -- ### a) Find the 60 Hz component of the voltage and current --- ### Example 8.8 (Hart-Power Electronics) ### A full-bridge inverter is used to produce a 60 Hz voltage across a series R-L load using bi-polar PWM. ### DC input is 100 V, amplitude modulation is 0.8, frequency modulation is 21. R=10 Ω, L= 20 mH. ### b) Power absorbed by the resistor (refer to Table 8-3). --
--- ### Example 8.8 (Hart-Power Electronics) ### A full-bridge inverter is used to produce a 60 Hz voltage across a series R-L load using bi-polar PWM. ### DC input is 100 V, amplitude modulation is 0.8, frequency modulation is 21. R=10 Ω, L= 20 mH. ### c) THD of the load current -- ### [Load Current](*sin%28x%29%2B0.15*sin%2819*x%29%2B0.52*sin%2821*x%29%2B0.13*sin%2823*x%29&sxsrf=ALiCzsbdxyfjozNpyA-bOdmdiSNXuYDZBw%3A1652162874950&ei=OgF6YoPMOaOGxc8Pg72NoAo&ved=0ahUKEwiD0ZaqotT3AhUjQ_EDHYNeA6QQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=plot+6.39*sin%28x%29%2B0.15*sin%2819*x%29%2B0.52*sin%2821*x%29%2B0.13*sin%2823*x%29&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANKBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQilNY5_sFYKGABmgBcAB4AIABhQGIAYUBkgEDMC4xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz) --- ## You can download this presentation from: [](