class: center, middle # EE568-Selected Topics in Electrical Machines ## Ozan Keysan []( Office: C-113
Tel: 210 7586 --- # Windings of Electrical Machines --
### [Bobinaj](, [Pakistan Machine Winding Shop]( --- # Roles of Windings in Electrical Machines --- # Armature Winding:
-- ## Power-producing winding of an electrical machine -- ## Can be on -- the rotor (DC machines), -- or on the stator (synchronous machines) --- # Field (Magnetizing) Winding: -- ## Creates the magnetic field required for energy conversion. -- ## Not all machines have a field winding (i.e. PM machines, reluctance machines) --- # Field (Magnetizing) Winding: ## Can be on the stator: Field winding of a DC machine
--- # Field (Magnetizing) Winding: ## Can be on the rotor: Synchronous Machine -- ## Salient Pole Rotor
--- # Field (Magnetizing) Winding: ## Can be on the rotor: Synchronous Machine -- ## Cylindrical Rotor
--- # Rotating Field Windings -- ### In Induction (asynchronous) machines, windings both creates field and performs energy conversion, so it is slightly differs from armature windings by definition --
--- # Rotating Field Windings ## Induction Motor Rotor Side: -- ## Squirrel-Cage Rotor
--- ## Squirrel-Cage Rotor
### Can be made from copper or aluminium. Coil ends are short-circuited. --- # Rotating Field Windings ## Wound Rotor Induction Machine --
--- # Damper Winding --
## [What is it used for]( --- # Damper Winding
### Helps to self-start of a synchronous machine and Reduces oscillations in transient conditions. ### [61MVA Stator & Rotor Rewinding](, [coil manufacturing]( --- # Other Windings ## Helps to reduce armature reaction - ## [Commutating Windings]( - ## [Compensating Windings]( (Interpoles) --- # Winding Types
--- # Exercise -- ## Field Winding of a Salient Pole Synchronous Machnie
#### Calculate the required field winding current to get Bmax=0.82T, if there are 95 turns per pole. Assume sinusoidal flux density distribution and the minimum airgap distance is 3.5mm --- # Exercise
--- # Slot Windings --
### Current Linkage distribution in a two-pole cylindrical winding. #### \\(z_Q\\) conductors in each slot with current \\(I_f\\) --- ### Some Definitions -- ## Pole Pitch: -- ## \\(\tau_p = \dfrac{\pi D}{2p} \\) ###\\(p\\): pole pairs, \\(D\\): air-gap diameter --- ### Some Definitions ## Slot Pitch: -- ## \\(\tau_u = \dfrac{\pi D}{Q} \\) ###\\(Q\\): number of slots -- ## Slot Angle (electrical): -- ### \\(\alpha_u = \dfrac{2\pi}{(Q/p)} \\) --- ### Some Definitions ## Slots per-pole per-phase (q): -- ## \\(q = \dfrac{Q}{2pm} \\) ###\\(m\\): number of phases --- ### Some Definitions ## Slots per-pole per-phase (q): ## If \\(q\\) is integer: -- Integral Slot Winding -- ## If \\(q\\) is fractional: -- Fractional Slot Winding --- # 3-Phase Integral Slot Stator Winding -- ## Simplest case for rotating MMF - ## m = 3 - ## p = 1 - ## q = 1 -- - ## Q = 6 --- ## Simplest case:
--- ## MMF from a single phase --
-- ## Peak MMF: \\(\dfrac{4}{\pi}\dfrac{i_U z_Q}{2}\\) --- ## MMF from three phase
--- ## MMF from three phase
--- # Three Phase AC: Rotating MMF
--- # Three Phase AC: Rotating MMF
--- # Three Phase AC: Rotating MMF
### Derivation left as an exercise! --- ## Manufacturing of Coils
### Chevy Spark EV [Motor Manufacturing]( ### [Disributed winding schematic]( ### [Preformed coils](, [Preformed coils-2]( ### [Coils in the stator](, [Coils in the stator-2]( --- # Distributed Winding ### Many coils are connected in series and distributed over many slot to achine a more sinusoidal MMF distribution --
--- # Distributed Winding MMF ### Let's calculate the MMF with the distributed coil: --
--- # Distributed Winding Manufacturing ###Videos - [Production of electric machines]( (T=6:00) - [Rewinding a Large Motor]( (T=0:20) - [BMW Electric Motor - Drive]( - [Induction Motors: Overhauling a Motor]( --- ## Full-Pitch Coil ? --
--- ## Full-Pitch Coil ?
### (a)Full-pitched coil, (b) Short-pitched coil --- # Winding Factors ### Constants related to estimate characteristics of MMF and voltage of windings. ### An easier method for analytical calculations -- - ## Distribution Factor (\\(k_d\\)) -- - ## Pitch Factor (\\(k_p\\)) --- # Distribution Factor
--- # Distribution Factor ## Vector sum of voltages in a distributed coil is less than the algebraic sum of the voltage in each coil. -- ## \\(k_d = \dfrac{\mathrm{Vector\,Sum\,of\,Voltages}}{\mathrm{Algebraic\,Sum\,of\,Voltages}}\\) --- # Distribution Factor ### Q1: What is the distribution factor of a concentrated coil? -- ### Q2: What is the distribution factor of two coils seperated by \\(\pi/3\\)? -- ### Q3: What is the distribution factor of three coils seperated by \\(\pi/6\\)? -- ### Generalized equation --- # Distribution Factor ## \\(k_d = \dfrac{sin(q \dfrac{\alpha}{2})}{q sin(\dfrac{\alpha}{2})}\\) ## \\(q\\): Number of coils ## \\(\alpha\\): Angle between each coil --- # Pitch-Factor -- ## Review of Definitions: - # Full-pitched (= \\(\pi\\) electrical) -- - # Under-pitched (< \\(\pi\\) electrical) -- - # Over-pitched (> \\(\pi\\) electrical) --- ## A 2-pole machine with sinusoidal \\(B_{gap}\\)
--- ## A 2-pole machine with sinusoidal \\(B_{gap}\\)
--- # Full-pitched vs Fractional-pitched Coil - ## Full-pitch = 180 degrees (\\(\pi\\)) -- - ## Under pitch < 180 degrees (\\(\pi\\)) -- - ## \\(V\_{full-pitch} > V\_{under-pitch}\\) -- - # If so, what is the point? --- # A big Parenthesis ## Fourier Series -- > ## All waveforms, no matter what you scribble or observe in the universe, are actually just the sum of simple sinusoids of different frequencies. --- # Fourier Series  [Fourier Series using Circles](, [Complex Orbits](, [Useful applets](, [Fourier examples]( [More Useful Links on Fourier Series]( --- # Fourier Series
Google Plot
-- - ## Let's see what happens with a 2/3 under pitched coil? -- - ## Under-Pitched coils are very useful for the elimination of harmonics --- #Pitch Factor ## Voltage in a short-pitched coil is less than a full-pitched coil ## \\(k_p = \dfrac{\mathrm{Short-Pitched\;Coil\;Flux}}{\mathrm{Full-Pitched\;Coil\;Flux}}\\) --- #Pitch Factor # \\(k_p = sin(\dfrac{\lambda}{2})\\) # \\(\lambda\\): Coil-pitch in electrical degrees --- # Pitch and Distribution Factor for Harmonics ## For harmonic number n: ## \\(k_p(n) = sin(\dfrac{n\lambda}{2})\\) -- ## \\(k_d(n) = \dfrac{sin(q n \dfrac{\alpha}{2})}{q sin(\dfrac{n\alpha}{2})}\\) --- # Winding Factor: ## is the combination of distribution and pitch factor -- #\\(k_w = k_d \times k_p\\) -- ## gives an idea about the magnitude of the coil voltage (or MMF) compared to concentrated and full-pitched winding. --- # Group Exercise -- ### A rotating magnetic flux created by a 3-ph 50 Hz, 600 rpm alternator has a distribution of magnetic flux density: -- ### \\(B(\theta)=\hat{B}_1 sin(\theta)+\hat{B}_3 sin(3\theta)+\hat{B}_5sin(5\theta)\\) -- ### \\(B(\theta)=0.9sin(\theta)+0.25 sin(3\theta)+0.18sin(5\theta)\\) --- # Group Exercise ## The machine has: - ### 180 slots, double-layer winding, Y-connected -- - ### Each coil has 3 turns with a span of 15 slots -- - ### Armature diameter = 135 cm -- - ### Effective axial length = 0.5 m --- # Group Exercise -- ## Draw the winding diagram -- ## Calculate the MMF for: -- - ### ia=1 A, ib=-0.5 A, ic=-0.5A -- - ### ia= -0.5A, ib=1 A, ic=-0.5A --- # Group Exercise ## Calculate: -- - ## Number of poles, pole area -- - ## Fundamental flux per-pole -- - ## Winding and distribution factors for each winding -- - ## Induced voltage rms per phase and line-to-line --- ## Now find the RMS of phase voltage and line voltages. -- ### \\(V\_{rms(i)} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}} 2\pi f\_i k\_{w(i)} N\_{ph} \Phi\_{(i)} \\) which is equal to: -- ### \\(V\_{rms(i)} = 4.44 f\_i k\_{w(i)} N\_{ph} \Phi\_{(i)} \\) ### \\(i\\): harmonic order, \\(\quad f\\): frequency ### \\(k_w\\): winding factor ### \\(N_{ph}\\): number of coils per phase ### \\(\Phi\\): flux per pole. --- # True RMS ### RMS values of all harmonics # \\(\sqrt{\sum{V_{rms-i}^2}}\\) ### For fundamental, 3rd and 5th harmonics # True RMS = \\(\sqrt{V\_{1}^2+V\_{3}^2+V\_{5}^2}\\) --- # Induced Voltages ## V1=4482 V ## V3=613 V ## V5=49.5 V ## Waveform of the [total phase voltage](*sqrt%282%29*sin%28x%29+-+613*sqrt%282%29*sin%283*x%29+%2B+49.5*sqrt%282%29*sin%285*x%29&oq=plot+4482*sqrt%282%29*sin%28x%29+-+613*sqrt%282%29*sin%283*x%29+%2B+49.5*sqrt%282%29*sin%285*x%29&gs_l=psy-ab.3...10186.25518.0.26977. --- # Line Voltage ## \\(V\_{BA}=V\_{Bn}-V\_{An}\\) ## No 3rd Voltage Harmonics in Y-connected line-to-line voltages ## Waveform of the [line voltage](*sqrt%286%29*sin%28x%29+%2B+49.5*sqrt%286%29*sin%285*x%29&oq=plot+4482*sqrt%286%29*sin%28x%29+%2B+49.5*sqrt%286%29*sin%285*x%29&gs_l=psy-ab.3...4540.15170.0.25670. --- # Fractional Slot Windings -- ### Slots-per-pole-per-phase (q) is fractional -- - ### Gives more choice in winding design -- - ### Voltage waveform can be improved by eliminating certain harmonics -- - ### Vast possibilities, but not every possibility produces a symmetrical rotating MMF --- ## Fractional Slot Example -- ## Consider a 10-pole machine -- ## What can be the number of slots? -- - ## 30 slots? q= -- 1 -- - ## 60 slots? q= -- 2 - ## How about 42 slots? -- ## q = 42/(10*3) = 7/5 --- ## 42 slot, 10 pole
--- ## 42 slot, 10 pole ## Phase shift between coils? -- ### \\(360*(10/2)/42=42.85^o\\) -- ### Let's choose a coil span of 4 slots. Coil pitch? -- ### \\(42.85*4 = 171.5^o\\), Pitch factor? -- ### \\(sin(171.5/2) = 0.997\\) --- # Why Fractional Winding? ## Integer Slot: 4 pole, 12 slot
--- # Why Fractional Winding? ## Can you guess the magnitude of cogging torque?
--- # Why Fractional Winding? ## Can you guess the magnitude of cogging torque?
--- # How can you reduce cogging torque? ## Skewing is an option, but increases phase resistance
--- # Why Fractional Winding? ## Repeat the same thing with 4 pole, 15 slot?
--- # Why Fractional Winding? ## Even more poles: 10 pole, 12 slot?
--- ## Conditions for Symmetrical Rotating MMF -- ### 1- Number of coils per phase winding should be an integer -- ### Single-layer windings: ### \\(\dfrac{Q}{2m} = pq \in N\\) -- ### Double-layer windings: ### \\(\dfrac{Q}{m} = 2pq \in N\\) ### Easier to achieve symmetrical MMF with double-layer windings --- ## Conditions for Symmetrical Rotating MMF -- ### 2- The angle between phase windings (\\(\alpha\_{ph}\\)) should be an integer multiple of slot angle \\(\alpha_z\\) -- ### Normal Systems: ### \\(\dfrac{\alpha\_{ph}}{\alpha\_{z}}=\dfrac{Q}{mt} \in N\\) ### t: largest common divider of Q and p ### Reading Assignment Pyrhonen Sections 2-9:2-12 --- # Winding Voltage Phasor Diagrams
--- # Voltage induced in a straight wire?
--- # Voltage induced in a straight wire? # \\(e = Blv\\) ## v: linear velocity --- # Winding Voltage Phasor Diagrams ## 2 pole, 3phase, 12 slot machine --
--- # Winding Voltage Phasor Diagrams ## Induced Phase Voltages --
--- ## Two possible ways to put the coils -- ## Lap winding --
### Most common type --- ## Concentric winding --
### They have exactly the same voltage waveforms --- ## Fractional Slot Example: -- ## 12 slot, 10 pole, single layer --
--- ## Fractional Slot Example: -- ### \\(\alpha_u=\\) -- \\(360*5/12=150^o\\) --
--- ## Fractional Slot Example: ### Phase Induced Voltage
--- ## Example (2-16) ### Create a voltage phasor diagram of a single layer integral slot winding for which Q=36, p=2, m=3 --
--- ## Example (2-16) ### Create a voltage phasor diagram of a single layer integral slot winding for which Q=36, p=2, m=3
--- ## Fractional Single Layer vs Double Layer # Q=6, m=3, p=2, q=1/2 --
--- # Winding Examples ---
-- ## Q=24, p=2, -- q=2, -- Single layer, -- integral slot, distributed winding ---
-- ## Q=12, p=2, -- q=1, -- Single layer, -- integral slot, concentrated winding, ---
-- ## Q=18, p=2, -- q=3/2, -- Double layer, -- fractional slot winding, ---
-- ## Q=6, p=2, -- q=1/2, -- Double layer, -- fractional slot concentrated winding, ---
-- ## Q=6, p=2, -- q=1/2, -- double layer, -- fractional slot, concentrated winding, --- # Winding Factor Tables ## Single Layer Winding
--- # Winding Factor Tables ## Double Layer Winding
--- # Winding Factor Tables ### Online Calculators
- ### [Emetor]( - ### [Winding Scheme Drawer]( --- # Winding Manufacturing ## Slot Layout --
--- # Random Wound Coils
### [Random wound coil insertion]( --- # Form Wound Coils
### [Enercon Generator](, (8:28) --- # Form Wound Coils - ### [Preformed Coil Manufacturing]( - ### [Coil Spreader]( - ### [Hair Pin Winding Manufacturing]( --- # Semi-closed vs Open Slot
--- # Fill Factor Comparison -- ## Random Wound Coil
--- # Fill Factor Comparison ## Form Wound Coil
### Up to 65% fill factor (higher possible with lower voltages) --- # Fill Factor Comparison
--- ## High Slot Fill Examples
--- # Needle Winding --
### [BLDC winding](, [High Speed Needle Winding](, [Direct drive winding]( --- # Open Pole Winding --
### [Chained Poles]( --- ## Self Bonding Wire
--- ## You can download this presentation from: [](