Pre-PowerLab: How to join to your research group?
This page is intended for any candidate MSc and PhD students. Probably, I just sent you this link after your first e-mail. Please read this page carefully, and if you still have problems please do not hesitate to contact me.
Research Topics
Please have a look at my recent publications, and projects, and theses that I supervised, and only ask for supervision if you are planning to work on similar topics. In the PowerLab, there are two other faculty members: Dr. Keyvan Firuzi, Dr. Murat Göl. You can also consider to contact them.
Application to METU
METU has two application periods for graduate studies:
- End of May (for September start)
- End of December (for January start)
Please check the actual dates from the Graduate School. You need to submit all required documents to complete your application. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do if there is a missing document or you missed the deadline. METU is a public university and really strict about the formal application procedure.
Although the procedure may change it is usually a two-step process; you submit all your documents and all the applicants are evaluated by the department. If you got shortlisted (based on GPA and GRE(or ALES) score), you will be invited for an interview by three faculty members (probably including me). Then based on your interview score, you’ll get accepted or not.
Here are a few important links:
You need to apply for the MACH area (Electrical Machines and Power Electronics) in Electrical and Electronics Department in ANKARA campus (Be aware METU has also another campus in Cyprus).
Funding Opportunities
I usually have funding opportunities for the accepted students, but I cannot guarantee any funding before you complete the formal application and get an acceptance from METU. The fundings are usually in the form of:
- TUBİTAK Research Projects
- Projects with Private Companies (through METU Teknopark)
- International Project Funds
- Department Research Assistanships (only for Turkish citizens)
Please let me know if you have any other funding opportunities.
Unfortunately, I don’t supervise any part-time students (i.e. students working full-time in a company), so please do not suggest that option.
Evaluation by Me
I evaluate your applications by the following items, so please make sure I have enough information about you before the interview process. You can email me your CVs and your statement of purposes separately.
Research Priorities & Motivation: This is the most important aspect of your application. You should have parallel research interests with my current research area, and should have the motivation to pursue a graduate degree.
Past Experience: I prioritize students with experience in the field, but especially hands-on project experience, which can be internship, your capstone project, personal project or a project for a competiion. If you are an undergraduate student, I advise you to contact before you graduate so I can assign you to a project that you can build the right skills.
CGPA: Your grades can be least important of the evaluation criteria, but a high CGPA usually shows you have the motivation and dedication. If you have a lower CGPA then you have to convince me that you spent your time to improve yourself in something else.