Lecture Hours

  • Tuesday: 11:40-12:30 EA-310
  • Thursday: 9:40-11:30 EA-310

Office Hours: Just send an email to arrange a 1-1 meeting

I expect you to come to all lectures, but you can also access previous years lectures on my YouTube channel.

Course Assistants:

  • Yusuf Basri Yılmaz
  • Office: C-106
  • Email: ybyilmaz@metu.edu.tr

  • Ogün Altun
  • Office: C-114
  • Email: ogun@metu.edu.tr

  • Barış Kuseyri
  • Office: ARC-301
  • Email: bkuseyri@metu.edu.tr


  • One Midterm Exam: 20%
  • Final Exam: 30%
  • Laboratory/Simulation Projects: 25%
  • Homeworks: 22%
  • Participation: 3%

Course Contents:

The following materials will be available to students:

  • Online lecture recordings available on YouTube channel.
  • Weekly in person lecture and recitation hours
  • Lecture presentations
  • Laboratory videos and Matlab/Simulink simulation templates
  • Solved problem sets, previous exam solutions


Note: If you can’t open the slides below, please change http:// to https:// in your address bar.

How can I convert slides to pdf?: In Chrome, use print preview then save to pdf.

You can download PDF versions of all presentations from this link. Note that, PDF versions can be out-dated, so please check the html versions for the newest version.


  • P. C. Sen, Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, Wiley, 3rd edition, 2013.
  • Electric Machinery, Fitzgerald, Kingsley and Umans, McGraw-Hill, 7th ed. 2013.
  • N. Mohan, Electric Machines and Drives, Wiley, 2012.

Online References: